"In 2024 I edited a documentary for the Dirty Gerund Poetry Show."
Leanne Silvia

In fall 2023 I was part of the production of The Dirty Gerund Poetry Show Documentary as a videographer with Manny Jae Media filming two nights of performances at the Dirty Gerund.
In early 2024, unasked I embarked on editing footage for the film. I was a videographer but never hired for an edit. By summer time we had a few revisions building up toward the 1-hour run time. My edit was encouraged forward by John Keough and reviews with Sam Capradae. On Sunday 9/15/2024, almost a year after filming, we screened the movie free of charge at the home of the show, Ralph's Diner on Grove Street. The turnout was great and the artists cheered along with the movie. A few edits lead way to the Red Carpet Premiere on Friday 10/11/2024 at the Park View Room at Park Ave in Worcester. Another great turnout and such enjoyment in the celebration of what I see as a gem in Worcester. A place that each week opens its doors to host you as you come, come as you are, and see, hear, and partake in speech and performance. So much captured in just two nights, and you're seeing just a glimpse of the direction I found my focus. I look forward to more poetry, more performances, and more versions. Open mic at Ralph's and possibly live forever. Okay, poet - I'll see you soon. By Leanne Silvia